Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pray for Persecuted Christians

Let us recommend to Our Mother of Perpetual Help her children suffering persecution in Orissa, India, at the hands of Hindu extremists who have burned several Catholics alive, gang raped nuns and laywomen, burned dozens of churches and convents and hundreds of homes, and committed other autrocities.

That evil-doers will see the error of their ways and work for the good of all, we pray:
- hear us, O Mary, and come to our help.
That the enemies of the Church, the Body of Christ, will turn from persecuting her to building her up, we pray:
- hear us, O Mary, and come to our help.
That non-Catholics will be enlightened to the darkness of their ways and follow Christ the true and only Light, we pray:
- hear us, O Mary, and come to our help.
For the triumph of holy Church, we pray:
- hear us, O Mary, and come to our help.
That those who suffer persecution for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ will find strength and consolation in His Blood shed upon the Cross, we pray:
- hear us, O Mary, and come to our help.
That the suffering endured by your children will be a means of grace for them and their persecutors, we pray:
- hear us, O Mary, and come to our help.
That in all things, even in these horrible autrocities, God will be glorified, we pray:
- hear us, O Mary, and come to our help.

V. Be to us, O Mary, a helper.
R. A refuge in every trial and need.

Grant, O Lord, that the prayers we pour forth on behalf of our persecuted and suffering brethren through the intercession of our Mother of Perpetual Help, may be heard by Your Divine Majesty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Holly Hall said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I hope to use it myself, especially in my own devotions, and for the enemies in my ex and his family. Blessed be Jesus Whose Mother is Mary!

Holly Hall said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I hope to use it myself, especially in my own devotions, and for the enemies in my ex and his family. Blessed be Jesus Whose Mother is Mary!